I Seyon-Måmi
Our Logo

Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’
(Commission on CHamoru Language and the Teaching of the History and Culture of the Indigenous People of Guam)
Garden House, Plaza de España, Chålan Sånto Påpa Juan Påblo Dos, Hagåtña, GU 96910
Description: There are several distinct symbols that have been incorporated into how we chose to represent our work as the COMMISSION ON CHAMORU LANGUAGE AND THE TEACHING OF THE HISTORY AND CULTURE OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE OF GUAM. Our logo is shaped both like a sling stone, which is part of the artifactual legacy of the ancient CHamoru latte builders; and, an eye to represent sight or vision. Indigenous insight is known as mata or mana throughout the Island Pacific. As a Commission, we draw on the wisdom of our ancestors to interpret our reality both past and present. This wisdom allows us to see beyond the physical. It connects us with a force more powerful than our individual selves. It creates a safe space for confronting power with truth. In this state of consciousness, we discover what it means to be CHamoru.
Inside the eye are symbols which frame our way of life. The heat of the sun and the light of the moon which influence our designation of time and season are represented by the orange orb and the white sinåhi. We are the taotao tåno’ yan tåsi or people of the land and sea, hence the image of the green hilly landscape and buoyant blue waves of our ocean.
We express our thanks to Graphic Designer, Bryan Duenas, for his creative representation.