Kumisión i Fino’ CHamoru yan i Fina’nå’guen
i Historia yan i Lina’la’ i Taotao Tåno’

Materiåt Ineyak Siha

Learning Tools

Kåttan Finiho’

CHamoru Flashcards

An integral part of the Kumisión’s revitalization effort is to support language learning in early childhood. This set of 400 flashcards based on different themed subsets builds vocabulary in fun ways using visual depictions of easily recognizable objects and features in Guåhan’s environment. The tool is especially useful in CHamoru immersion classes and schools throughout the island.

I Fanselabåyan

Syllabary Tiles

CHamoru is a syllabic language. ‬Orthographic rules are tied to syllables and pronun‭ciation is linked with the position of stressed and unstressed vowels within syllables‭.‬ The complex application of grammar and spelling rules comes naturally to first‭-‬language speakers as they learn what to say and how to speak‭. ‬As the CHamoru language moves from orality to literacy, children learn Guåhan’s indigenous language in the classroom by first learning alphabets and symbols and associating sounds with written representations. ‬This set of syllabary tiles includes the most common sounds learners hear and speak in CHamoru. ‬It is a simple tool that‭ ‬facilitates the process of recognition of the combinations of vowels and consonants that make up sounds or syllables that are contained in words‭.‬ It is especially useful for learning to read and write in CHamoru.

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